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The end of the story about Akwaji (Oluwa in the book)

Into my life stepped Akwaji - the end of the story as told by Sr. Frances Morris, MMM in the MMM newsletter from 1952.

And there we must leave him. He is still in the Settlement - the Settlement that you built for him and hundreds of others by your subscriptions to Monsignor McGettrick's (Fr. Neel in the book) leper fund. For you have been fathers and mothers to lepers in all the Catholic Settlements in Ogoja. You have been parents to Akwaji.

Don't be surprised then if someday in Heaven a slight boy with dark brown skin comes to thank you for the prayer you said or the sacrifice you made. You will, no doubt, know him by his smile. Don't be surprised if he does his song and dance act to show you "how much he make glad you help him for come this place."


Several of the MMM sisters and Lily (Anna in the book) wrote in the MMM newsletters. The newsletters were sent to MMM supporters to give them updates and news from the Leper Settlements in Nigeria and to let them know more about the leprosy patients that their donations were helping. The MMM sisters are still very active throughout the world. A portion of all book/kindle sales is donated to the Medical Missionaries of Mary, so you in effect, by purchasing the book are helping as well, and I thank you. Monica Shaw

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